Wood House 2.0 – Image 01 of 10
Long Island NY | 2018 | 400 m2
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Nudged amongst the dense pin oak forest, the Woodhouse 2.0 elegantly inserts itself into the relatively at topography. Protected from the elements by the surrounding trees, the house provides a confortable
and welcoming space thanks to the careful choise of materials and textures. The wood slat cladding and smooth concrete re ect the essence of the natural landscape. Facing outward; the facade presents a seamless surface that is punctured at intervals by generous windows that highly fame the views of the surrounding landscape, while the facade facing the inner courtyard space is entirely glazed, blurring the boundary between the interior living space and the hidden central space. The house also plays with symmetry, angles and textures, and a careful use of light and views.
images © Filippo Bolognese