Set AJAP2010 – Image 01 of 10
France | set of exposition «Album des Jeunes Architectes et Paysagistes 2009-2010» | 2010 | cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris | 150 000 € | 450 m² | with Michele Brusasca, graphics
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The skeleton of a boat, 27m of skeleton, ran aground in a room of the building of the Trocadéro. Where from does it comes, who pushed it to there? it transports projects hidden in drawers, unpublished treasures: maybe they will see one day the light … It is maybe that, architecture : a boat that takes the sea and which does not know in which port it will stop, which adventures it will cross … Will it arrive at its destination? In which conditions?
A big wooden enlightened element (inspirations: boat’s structure, vertebral column of a big animal) present the prize-winners and their projects with a system of «participation of the visitor”. In a dark atmosphere, it is necessary to open “Lids” to discover the exposed projects, only the “portrait” and the presentation of the team remain always visible. Elements close then “alone” once the left visitor.
photos © Francesca Avanzinelli photos © Gaston Bergeret