Early Childhood Center – Image 01 of 10
Mayenne, France | Early childhood center | 2010 | City of Mayenne | 2,4 M € | 1 300m² | with Nemo-K, Anglade, Inex, Forgue, Lamoureux
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Make the park penetrate into the heart of this program to offer it spaces of breath and so to the children a natural environment in which they can bloom completely, it is the concept which motivates this project. The arrangement of the program around a patio-garden and around two cocoon-courtyards forms then by the will of a maximum natural lighting and outer spaces protected from the wind. The wood, the major material in this project and with environmental qualities, is then evident and strengthens the concept. Cocoon-courtyards, places of conviviality and sharing, also allow keeping certain independence for the different parts some of the others, so that the children can find more intimate places within these.